From Peter M. Prange
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Jars of Clay
A History of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
by John M. Brenner & Peter M. Prange
Jars of Clay: A History of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary (1863-2013) charts the establishment and development of the Wisconsin Synod's theological seminary. Interspersed within the chapters, readers will be introduced to the twelve men who have served as directors and presidents of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary since its founding in 1863.
The life and history of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) is intimately tied to the history of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. From its beginnings in 1850, the synod has recognized the need for well-trained and dedicated missionary-pastors to serve God's people both here and abroad. As former seminary president, Armin J. Panning, once put it: "Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary is inseparably bound to the parish. It trains men in the skill of applying the means of grace to the hearts and lives of sinners in a parish setting, rather than equipping men with a training intended for academic or professional pursuits. Furthermore, the seminary exists for the specific purpose of serving confessionally sound congregations. Or to invert that formula a bit: Confessionally minded congregations, bound together in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, have established Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in order that through it they may receive doctrinally sound pastors."
This history is meant to celebrate the grace our God has showered on us that he would find us fit to be his ambassadors, even as we humbly recognize ourselves to be nothing more than jars of clay.
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